Recent events

38th International Symposium on Forecasting
June 20 2018 - Boulder, Colorado

In a presentation titled "A Primer on Probabilistic Forecasts and Forecast Accuracy Measurement" Stefan de Kok will present a new forecast accuracy metric, called the Total Percentile Error (TPE). First published in the July 2017 edition of Foresight magazine (download here), during this session it will be explored in more detail. The presentation will also briefly start with an introduction to probabilistic forecasting, illustrate what is wrong with existing metrics, and suggest complementary metrics.

Please join us on June 20 at the University of Colorado in Boulder.


2018 Supply Chain Operational Excellence Forum
May 29 1018 - Bogotá, Colombia

Stefan de Kok will be keynote speaker presenting Probabilistic Forecasting at this annual event. The audience will learn what probabilistic forecasting is, how it avoids the fundamental flaws of statistical forecast, and why that matters. There will also be a primer on how to create a probabilistic forecast, how to use it, and how to measure its accuracy.

Please join us on May 29 for the presentation, or on May 30 for a private meeting at the Marriott Salitre hotel in Bogotá, Colombia.


If you wish us to give a partner training, supply chain management concepts training, attend one of your own events, or support you during an event, please contact us at For other means of correspondence please see our contact information page.